What We Do


At INM, we support a broad range of scientific inquiries aimed at creating new diagnostics and therapies in nuclear medicine. Additionally, our focus includes optimizing existing treatments to make them safer and more effective for improving human health.
We believe in the importance of open science and the widespread dissemination of innovative findings, with the aim of translating research breakthroughs into practical healthcare applications.


We teach, learn, and exchange knowledge, including through scientific gatherings, fellowships, and internships that support the advancement of radiopharmaceutical treatments. Our educational initiatives are designed to empower professionals and students, enhancing expertise and building a robust community of practice dedicated to excellence and innovation in the field.

Global Partnership

We engage in partnerships with organizations, communities, and individuals around the world to exchange knowledge, collaborate on innovative research, and implement effective strategies in radiopharmaceutical therapy. Our global network is committed to sharing best practices, fostering multidisciplinary approaches, and driving progress through international cooperation and mutual learning.

Health Policy and Patient Advocacy

INM is dedicated to putting patients at the forefront of its work, aiming to support sustainable initiatives in education, research, and business within the nuclear medicine field. We advocate for patients by developing clear positions on nuclear medicine practices and policies, and by providing direct feedback to federal agencies, ensuring patient interests are included in policy-making discussions.

Heptathlon of Sustainable Meaningful Access to RadioPharmaceutical Therapy (RPT 3.0)